AzerothCore Projects Released
in AzerothCore on Modules, SQL
AzerothCore Modules | Download
The projects released today are the result of a few months work learning how to work with TrinityCore (TC) and AzerothCore (AC). The repo includes original modules written by myself, modifications to existing AC modules, and C++ scripts for TC I’ve ported to AC modules. Modifications made to existing AC modules change a few things here and there so they adhere to specifics for my server and/or make them easier to deal with by providing configuration options that can be changed without recompiling the core. Here’s a list of what’s in this initial release.
Original Modules
These are modules I’ve written.
- AllMounts NPC
- Codebox NPC
- CustomServer
- CustomLogin
- MoneyForKills
Ported Scripts
I created these modules by porting existing scripts for TrinityCore. I’ve substantially modified most of these to fix issues, add features, or change functionality to suit my taste.
- Beastmaster NPC
- Buffer NPC
- CongratsOnLevel
- Enchanter NPC
- Gambler NPC
- StartGuild
Existing Module Modifications
These are existing AC modules I’ve modified for my server. For the most part, the modifications are simple string changes, but some add extra configuration options.
- DuelReset
- RandomEnchants
- Solocraft
- Transmogrify
- VASAutoBalance
AzerothCore SQL | Download
Working with the database can be confusing, so I’ve created a few templates that help me with creating and editing content. I’ve also commented as much as possible so these files can serve as a future reference for items, objects, and NPCs. Tool scripts are designed to aid gameplay.
Templates & Tools
- Critter NPC
- Ethereal Soul Trader Mods
- Fish Loot Pricing
- Item Pricing
- Profession Trainer NPC
- Silithus Camp
- Vendor NPC
I’ve created several unique vendors for my own personal use. These vendors have modified item pricing adjusted for my server needs using my Item Pricing template.
- Bags
- Consumables: Potions
- Consumables: Elixers/Flasks
- Consumables: Food
- Consumables: Pet Food
- Currency
- Fireworks
- Fishing
- Engineering Contraptions
- Gems
- Glyphs
- Keys
- Pets: Pets/Supplies
- Pets: Exotic Pets
- Specialty Items
- This vendor has all of the items found on Tiny’s Vanity Item Guide.
- Tabards
These are TC scripts I’ve ported (painfully sometimes) to AzerothCore.
- AzerothCore Mall
- Ported from Trinity Triforce Mall v3.7
- Removed duplicate and useless items
- Fixed all items and corrected pricing
- I’ve modified locations, names, models, and item prices for specific vendors
- I’ve added Level 19 Twink vendors ported from Rownan’s Trinity script
- All NPCs are spawned on GM Island (.tele gmisland) and some have been modified and spawn in select locations for player access
- Heirloom Vendors
- Level-Up Giftbox Sender
- Rochet2 Jukebox
- Rochet2 Portal Master
- Personal Teleporter
- Tome of World Flying
WoW Client Modifications | Download
I’ve put a lot of work into making my WoW client as great as it can be. I’ve tested various upgrade packs that are available on sites like, and I’ve finally got a stable client with upgraded models and textures. These modifcations really do enhance the game in alot of ways, so I plan on putting together an archive of my client in the near future. In the meantime, you can download my collection of five animated login screens with custom music. A random screen will be chosen each time you launch WoW.
Random Animated Login Screens
Feel free to email me with any questions. If you find a bug, please open a ticket on Github. I’ll respond when time permits.